Friday, June 11, 2010

There are three types of body fat

Skinfold self-testing at home
There are three types of body fat: The first is subcutaneous fat, which is stored
right below your skin. Second, there's intramuscular fat, which is inside the muscle
tissue (picture the fat inside a "marbled steak."). Third, you have internal fat,
which is located on and around your internal organs for protective cushioning.
Skinfold testing is based on the premise that the majority of your body fat is
subcutaneous– right below your skin where you can see and grab it. By "pinching"
the skin and fat and measuring the thickness of the fold at one or more sites, you
can get a fairly accurate estimate of your total body fat percentage...and more
importantly, a way to consistently measure your progress from week to week.
Until quite recently, a challenge many people faced was not having an experienced
fitness professional available to test you. For years, a skinfold test could only be
performed by somebody else (there was no way to "pinch yourself.") A second
person was required to "pinch your fat" at several locations, including spots you
can't reach, such as your upper back. Even if you were the "human pretzel" and
you could somehow reach around and measure all your own skinfolds, it wouldn't
be accurate.
This problem was surmounted when a company called Accu-Fitness invented an
inexpensive plastic skinfold caliper called the Accu Measure. The Accu Measure is
different from other calipers because it was designed so you can measure your
own body fat at home and you don't even need another person to help! This
method is inexpensive, convenient and private!
There's a LOT to be said for the accountability factor when you have a coach or
trainer measure your body fat every week. However, the privacy factor of the Accu
Measure is also nice because if you're like most people, you prefer not to have a
stranger groping your fat rolls every week. It's kind of embarrassing in the
beginning... although once you start getting leaner, you may surprise yourself
when one day you're proud to have someone "pinch you" - because there's nothing
there but thin skin on top of rock hard muscle!)

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1 comment:

  1. Fat often builds up on the inside region of the knees in women.Fat storage between the thighs is common in women - but also occurs with men.
    ultrasonic liposuction guide
