Friday, February 26, 2010

Arthritis .Alternative Medicine

Arthritis .Alternative Medicine

Homeopathy may improve pain, joint tenderness, stiffness, and grip strength, especially when used in conjunction with NSAIDs.

Fish oil has been shown to reduce arthritis inflammation, lessen the need for painkillers, and possibly decrease joint stiffness. A diet low in animal and dairy fats may have similar effects. Excellent sources of fish oil include EPA/DHA capsules and oily fish such as salmon and mackerel.

At least a dozen different herbs have been used to ease the symptoms of both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis; most are considered anti-inflammatories. Ask your doctor about using any herbs, since they can interact with each other or with medication you are taking. In most cases, lack of careful studies means little is known about long-term effects. Herbs that have been used for arthritis are powdered ginger, borage seed oil, or devil's claw to reduce pain and swelling. Stinging nettles or turmeric may also lessen arthritis pain, stiffness, and inflammation.

Ayurvedic medicine uses herbal compounds internally and externally for arthritis symptom relief. Topical curcumin may help relieve the inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis; if taken in capsule form, it can reduce morning stiffness and boost endurance. In one study, a combination of Withania somnifera, Boswellia serrata, and Cucurma longa caused a significant drop in pain and disability for people with osteoarthritis.
At-Home Remedies for Arthritis

Heat and rest - traditional remedies for arthritis pain - are very effective in the short run for most people with the disease. Overweight sufferers should lose weight, especially when arthritis affects the lower back, knees, and legs. Consult a registered dietician who can help you plan a healthy weight-loss program.

In addition to treatments recommended by your doctor, you can use dry heat from a heating pad or moist heat in the form of a hot bath or a hot-water bottle wrapped in a towel to help relieve arthritis pain and stiffness. Regular exercise is important to keep the joints mobile. People with weakened, badly deformed fingers from rheumatoid arthritis benefit from specially designed utensils and door and drawer handles; people suffering weakness in the legs and arms can use special bathroom fixtures, especially tub rails and elevated toilet seats.

Though arthritis is not preventable, many people are able to prevent disability with a well-designed treatment program, including medications, exercise, and physical therapy when needed.

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